Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Upcoming Concert!

The Tori Ensemble performs Five DirectionsThursday–Saturday, December 4, 5, and 6, 2008 • 8:00 pm at Asia Society and Museum725 Park Avenue at 70th Street

Transcending borders—inspired by jazz, new music and traditional Korea­— six extraordinary musicians
from Korea and New York come together to create a new hybrid sound. Tori, the World Music Project
Ensemble, pushes the boundaries of east and west to offer a fresh sound with interactive collaborations.

Yoon Jeong Heo (geomungo), Erik Friedlander (cello), Kwon Soon Kang (Korean traditional voice),
Young Chi Min (daegum, chang-go), Ned Rothenberg (clarinets & shakuhachi), and Satoshi Takeishi
Tickets: $16 members/students/seniors; $20 nonmembersFor tickets please visit, for more information call (212) 517-ASIA
or visit
Copresented with Korean Cultural Service. Made possible by generous support from The Ministry
of Culture, Sports and Tourism of South Korea.

Photos (Left to Right:) Ned Rothenberg, photo by Maarit Kytöharju; Yoon Jeong Heo, photo courtesy of the artist;
and Eric Friedlander, photo courtesy of the artist.

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